Roles and responsibilities for design, management, accounting, and evaluation of training activities
Head of the management process
- medium/long term goal definition, according to the Company mission and vision
- monitoring & evaluation of activity performance, identification & prompt correction of critical issues
- communication management with the head of the training services design & implementation and with the head of the economic-admin process
Head of the economic-admin process
- admin & accounting management of training activity processes
- admin & accounting doc editing re: active projects
- interface with evaluation systems of institutes and/or training agencies
- support in the contract subscription activity with customers
- admin consistency in teaching & technocal-admin staff management
Head of the training design & delivery process
- supervision of training service design & delivery
- training service delivery team guidance & supervision
Technical referent for the planning and implementation of evaluation activities - T.A.V.
- check & evaluation of docs re: evaluation process of incoming users
- skill check
- detail design & implementation of
evaluation activities
- skill evaluation process planning
- communication with the head of the training design & delivery process and the head of the economic-admin process