Almaviva Digitaltec was established in 2017 to develop operations based on digital and disruptive technologies, strategic for clients of Almaviva, the Group that is a key player in the Country’s digitalization process.
digital transformation professionals
years the average age of employees
offices (Naples, Venice, Cagliari, Bari, Palermo, Rome, Milan)
These are the heart and soul of Almaviva Digitaltec, characterized by a strong component of young talent, supported by qualified senior resources, primarily involved in the areas of Mobile & Portals, IoT & GIS, API Economy, Microservices & Containers and Big Data Analytics, in light of the directions coming from the parent Company’s consulting areas.
In Lean IT mode, the company creates services and application components, interoperability platforms and solutions for reuse, for the purpose of expanding the catalog of services and products with which Almaviva Group promotes digital growth in key sectors for the Italian economy.
Almaviva Digitaltec supports all the operations oriented toward new markets, with particular reference to the areas of Cloud Transformation, Legacy Modernization, Connected Vehicles, Insurance Telematics and Enterprise 4.0 in the Central and Local Public Administration, Energy and Utility, Industry and Services, Transport and Financial Services sectors.
The Digital Hub of Almaviva Group adopts new resource hiring and development methods which anticipate a strategic, systemic and integrated rapport with the best Universities, the most challenging research projects, Academies and Hackathons all over the national territory.
One of Almaviva Digitaltec core activities is training & education delivered through its Learning Lab Area.
Almaviva Digitaltec S.r.l.
Sole Shareholder
Head office
Via F. Lauria
Centro Direzionale Isola F8
80143 Naples
Share Capital € 250,000.00 fully paid up
Company's Registry of Naples
Fiscal Code/VAT N. 08776181219
R.E.A. 983782
Company subject to the management and direction of Almaviva S.p.A.