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Learning Lab Area

Learning Lab Area

Training & orientation

The Learning Lab Area mission consists in digital culture dissemination; an ecosystem of knowledge, values, rules, and best practices developed for the purpose of using new digital technologies, and applicable to any and all life dimensions, from work to entertainment, up to the personal growth of individuals.

Almaviva Digitaltec Learning Lab Area provides Public Administration, Universities, Schools, and other public and private entities with IT knowlwdge and skills of its own human resources.

Training delivering model

classroom training (traditional training)

class groups led by a teacher

e-learning training (synchronous and asynchronous) on moodle platform

anywhere anytime access to educational contents

blended learning (mixed learning)

combination of traditional classroom training and online e-learning

on-the-job training

training provided in the daily working environment


Training tools, channels & initiatives

Training organization & management model and quality certifications


  • Naples - business hours 9 am - 6 pm

    Centro Direzionale Isola F8 Via F. Lauria
    80143 Naples

    Email: almavivadigitaltec@pec.almaviva.it

  • Bari

    Strada Provinciale per Casamassima km 3
    70010 Valenzano (BA)

  • Cagliari

    c/o Open Campus Località Sa Illetta, S.S. 195 km. 2,3
    09123 Cagliari

  • Milan

    Corso Como, 15
    20154 Milan
    Tel.: (+39) 02.863381

  • Palermo

    Centro Direzionale Via della Regione Siciliana, 3414
    90145 Palermo

  • Rome

    Via di Casal Boccone, 188-190
    00137 Rome
    Tel.: 0639931

  • Venice

    Via Banchina dell'Azoto, 15
    30175 Marghera (VE)