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In Berlin, the Fifth General Assembly of the European Research Project TEADAL

In Berlin, the Fifth General Assembly of the European Research Project TEADAL


The fifth General Assembly of the European research project “TEADAL - Trustworthy, Energy-Aware federated DAta Lakes along the computing continuum” (Call HORIZON-CL4-2021-DAT-01), of which Almaviva is a partner, took place on September 24th and 25th. The project meeting was held in Berlin and organized by the project partner TUB (Technische Universität Berlin).

The overall objective of the project is to test and develop innovative technologies for the creation of a trustworthy federation of data lakes that extends across both the cloud-edge continuum and the multi-cloud for the optimized sharing of data and computations. Key topics included the issues of privacy, confidentiality, and trust, supported by technologies based on Blockchain and ML. The goal is to maximize the energy efficiency not only of individual data lakes, but of the entire federation. Almaviva has contributed to various aspects of the project and is responsible for the integration, testing, and validation of the six ongoing pilot use-cases. Among the activities carried out by Almaviva, there is also the development of Blockchain-based tools and models for optimizing the use of resources made available by the various members of a federation.

The project has entered its final year of activity, and the General Assembly, which had a strong technical focus, not only reviewed the status of ongoing activities, but also defined the next objectives to be achieved. Parallel sessions were held, in which, on the one hand, technological partners highlighted the integration aspects of the components currently being developed, the so-called TEADAL Tools, and, on the other hand, the pilot partners shared the implementation activities of their respective use-cases and outlined the ways in which the results of the TEADAL project will be demonstrated within the context of each pilot. On the morning of the second day, the partnership addressed all aspects related to the validation of results for the upcoming iterations of the project. During the session, led by Almaviva, the discussion focused on defining the strategies to be adopted for measuring the project KPIs during the final implementation of the pilots.