BTM – Business Tourism Management – is underway today in Bari, an event that brings together key players in our country’s tourism industry.
Andrea Casadei, SME of Almaviva’s Culture, Tourism, and Sports Practice, delivered a speech on DIGIT – Smart Destinations for Managing the Impact of Tourism, an integrated platform that leverages local data, advanced models, and business intelligence tools to support stakeholders in the planning and management of destinations.
The project is a result of participation in the “IRISS 2023 - PNRR - Next Generation EU” tender, with which the SMACT Competence Center promotes the co-financing of innovation, industrial research, and experimental development projects.
“The DIGIT platform,” explained Casadei, “can be used both for the day-to-day management of destinations and for major events or peaks in the season. It supports urban planning decisions through various enabling factors, including dynamic calculation of the load capacity and catchment areas of a destination, prediction of the impact of organizational choices on visitor flow, and optimization of key parameters within a local tourism system.
The project will draw on the extensive expertise built up over the years by the Almaviva Group, starting with those of The Data Appeal Company, a subsidiary of Almawave".