In Almaviva Group solidarity ecosystem, the activities of the Fondazione ASPHI Onlus hold a special place. The non-profit social organization has been working with information technology and disability for decades, with the objective of promoting the autonomy and inclusion of disadvantaged and disabled people in all contexts of life, through the use of digital technologies.
Since 2019, Almaviva has supported ASPHI research into the role which technology can play in caring for frail and not self-sufficient elderly people, with a close look at family members, caregivers, and specialized workers.
Contrary to viewing aging as a degenerative state that must be contained, ASPHI endorses the bio-psycho-social model of health proposed by the World Health Organization, which focuses on promoting the potential that comes with age, rather than the limitations.
From ASPHI unique experience in Italy comes the ABCcare website for Almaviva, an extraordinary online location full of advice and tools that respond to the growing social need to support families who are caring for an elderly and frail family member.
At ABCcare it is possible to learn more about specific topics of interest and find practical solutions to individual situations through extensive multimedia documentation that includes: animated stories, presentation of diseases and frailties, advice for relating, adapting the environment and stimulating residual abilities, tools and technologies for improving quality of life, institutional support services, associations and centers, testimonials from caregivers, and an “Ask the Expert” service.
With ASPHI, Almaviva has organized series of seminars dedicated to frailty related to both age and various types of disabilities, after which the “Ask the Expert” service has become a true Frailty Help Desk that’s available to the Corporate Community.