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Associazione Italiana contro leucemie, linfomi e mieloma

Associazione Italiana contro leucemie, linfomi e mieloma

At Christmas time & Easter: "AIL in the streets" at Almaviva HQ

The collaboration with the Italian Association Against Leukemia, Lymphomas and Myeloma kicked off in 2020 with the creation of the new AIL EVENTI App.

Free to download from any digital store, the App provides access to a world of useful and up-to-date services and information, thus increasingly able to meet the modern needs of the association and its supporters.

The news section allows you to stay updated on all of AIL’s activities, new developments in the field of hematology, volunteering opportunities, and the third sector. The events section was created so that you’ll never miss any of AIL's events or charitable initiatives, and thus provide even greater support to hematology patients and their families.

Geolocation makes it extremely easy and quick, during traditional AIL events, to find the nearest AIL location and to purchase Easter Eggs and poinsettias even from the App and using an electronic payment method. If you create your own Profile it will, in fact, be easier and faster to make liberal donations that support care for hematology patients and scientific research against blood cancers.

The App, powered by Almaviva, is just the first step in the process of innovation undertaken by AIL, accompanied by the ideas and digital expertise of Almaviva, which will also open its corporate locations.

Among the projects Almaviva enthusiastically supports: Fitwalking for AIL, the non-competitive solidarity walk created to celebrate the World Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Day and the "Christmas Stars" and "Easter Eggs" campaigns, for which Almaviva headquarters in Roma yearly turns into an AIL, a place od solidarity to promote and support scientific research, by funding innovative studies and labs throughout Italy.

​Stay tuned!

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