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Absolute Digital

Alongside the organizations that tackle the Digital Change challenge every day

Italian leader in the Information Technology sector, Almaviva has accompanied the digital transformation for years in the key sectors for the country’s economy. From finance to public administration, from transportation to defense and security, from agriculture to telecommunications and the media, Almaviva branded solutions.

Almaviva is the top company in the IT sector for the national Central Public Administration and Transportation markets among the most significant organizations in the Local Public Administration, Defense and Security area, Financial Services and Manufacturing.

They have unique experience in designing, constructing and managing mission critical systems, thanks to in-depth knowledge of the markets and the business of the customers, certified infrastructures and skills, a vast network of industrial partnerships, and an active presence in the scientific and open source communities with a vendor-independent approach.

Almaviva now accompanies the digital growth processes, accepting the challenge that every organization must face in order to remain competitive in the Absolute Digital era, innovating their business model and their organization.

Almaviva vision: from data to business valuable information

Almaviva creates solutions in support of the strategic processes of enterprise 4.0 and digital first administrations in an ecosystem logic. Almaviva Knowledge of Everything systems are designed for these organization, able to draw the maximum value of the Internet from things and people, creating new knowledge from information and data coming from objects, processes and conversations that are analyzed and interpreted with respect to the cultural, social and business context.

Where, How, What: the IT paradigm changes for an advanced digital transformation

A Copernican revolution is underway in the way of thinking of Information Technology as a true enabler in all the different company functions. To design an advanced digital transformation, Almaviva moves simultaneously on the three fundamental layers that characterize IT, the enabling technological infrastructures layer (Where), the models, methods and processes in support of software creation layer (How) and the application architectures layer (What), no longer monoliths at the service of individual business processes, but ecosystems of micro services that cooperate to accomplish complex functions.

Almaviva, transformation sparring partner

How to innovate in a setting as volatile as IT? How to take innovation where it is needed? Almaviva’s strategy is based on targeted frameworks that come alongside the customer on their Digital Journey, laying out the most effective route to outfit themselves with “modern” architecture, to manage software, to adopt the new generation technological platforms quickly and without risks, based more and more on the public cloud. Almaviva works alongside their customers, providing them with means, methods and instruments to accompany them in a sustainable and progressive transformation.

Digital Enabler for Enterprises

Internet of Things, Blockchain, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Process Automation, GIS & Remote Sensing, Augmented & Virtual Reality, Digital Experience and Mobile Business: AlmavivA integrates complex systems with frontier technologies that can be adopted in a secure and scalable way. They work alongside all organizations oriented toward radically transforming processes and business through innovative and sustainable solutions. Predictive maintenance, automated quality control, anomaly & fraud detection, supply chain traceability and territory and infrastructures monitoring are just some of the solutions that AlmavivA has already achieved in strategic sectors of the national economic fabric.

The security of resources and assets

With focus on the primary scenarios associated with digital security from a perspective of Cyber Security, Privacy-by-Design and Privacy-by-Default, Almaviva End-to-End value proposition goes from the definition phase to the integration of solutions all the way to the dispensing of managed security services, tailored to the needs of the customer and based on the risk analysis and the impact on the corporate organization, a prerequisite for any type of production or service activity.

The Digital Change signed by Almaviva

Almaviva Management

Alberto Tripi


Almaviva Management

Marco Tripi


Almaviva S.p.A.
Head office

Via di Casal Boccone, 188/190
00137 Rome
Share capital € 154,899,065.00 fully paid up
Companies’ Register of Rome
Tax code/ VAT N° 08450891000
Economic and Administrative Index 1094997

Contact the Digital Change team

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Mabrian Technologies

Our companies

Almaviva Bluebit